

Cardiac catheterization (cardiac cath or heart cath) is a procedure to examine how well your heart is working. 它被用来诊断一些心脏问题. It is one of the most common heart procedures performed in the U.S. 查看的插图 心导管检查(链接在新窗口中打开).



A cardiac cath provides information on how well your heart works, 识别问题并允许程序, 比如血管成形术和支架植入, 打开阻塞的动脉. 在做心脏导管时,你的医疗团队可能会:

  • x射线 using contrast dye injected through the catheter to look for narrowed or blocked coronary arteries. 这叫做冠状动脉造影术.
  • 执行一个 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗 such as coronary angioplasty with stenting to open up narrowed or blocked segments of a coronary artery.
  • 检查心脏四个腔室的压力.
  • 取 samples of blood to measure the oxygen content in the four chambers of your heart.
  • 评估抽气室的收缩能力.
  • 寻找心脏瓣膜或腔室的缺陷.
  • Remove a small piece of heart tissue (biopsy) to examine under a microscope.




心脏导管通常是非常安全的. 严重并发症非常罕见. 一些小风险包括:

  • 导管插入处的瘀伤(穿刺部位).
  • 穿刺处出血.
  • 对对比染料的反应.
  • 感染.
  • Side effects from the medicines to help you relax or sleep, such as nausea or vomiting.


  • 心律失常
  • 血凝块
  • 导管对血管或心脏的损害
  • 心脏病
  • x光的副作用
  • 中风  


  • You will be given instructions about what to eat 和 drink 24 hours prior to the test.
  • You usually will be asked not to eat or drink anything for six to eight hours before the procedure.
  • Tell your health care team immediately if you think you might be pregnant.
  • Tell your health care team about any medicines (including over-the-counter, 你服用的草药和维生素. 他们可能会要求你在手术前不要服用.
  • 如果你对任何东西过敏,告诉你的医疗团队, 特别是碘, 贝类, 乳胶或橡胶制品, x射线染料或青霉素等药物.
  • 手术后安排人开车送你回家.
  • If you have a hearing aid, you can wear it during your procedure. 如果你戴眼镜,那就带着眼镜去看医生.


A doctor with special training performs the procedure with a team of nurses 和 technicians. The procedure is done in a 心导管检查 (cath) lab at a hospital or medical clinic.

  • 在做导管手术之前, a nurse will put an IV (intravenous) line into a vein in your arm so you can get medicine (sedative) to help you relax, but you’ll be awake 和 able to follow instructions during the procedure.
  • The nurse will clean 和 shave the area where the doctor will be working. 这通常发生在腹股沟区域.
  • A local anesthetic is usually given to numb the puncture site.
  • The doctor will make a needle puncture through your skin 和 into a large blood vessel. A small straw-sized tube (called a sheath) will be inserted into the vessel. The doctor will gently guide a catheter (a long, thin tube) into your vessel through the sheath. A video screen will show the position of the catheter as it is threaded through the major blood vessels 和 to the heart. You may feel some pressure in your groin, but you shouldn’t feel any pain.
  • 导管的尖端可以放置各种器械. They include instruments to measure the pressure of blood in each heart chamber 和 in blood vessels connected to the heart, 观察血管内部, 从心脏的不同部位取血样, 或者从心脏内部取出组织样本.
  • When a catheter is used to inject a dye that can be seen on x射线, 这个过程被称为血管造影术.
  • When a catheter is used to clear a narrowed or blocked artery, the procedure is called angioplasty or a percutaneous coronary intervention.
  • When a catheter is used to widen a narrowed heart valve opening, 这个过程被称为瓣膜成形术.
  • 医生会取出导管和护套. 你的护士会压住伤口以防出血. 有时使用特殊的封闭装置.


你要去恢复室待几个小时. 在这段沙巴足球体育平台里,你必须平躺.

  • Pressure will be applied to the puncture site to stop any bleeding.
  • You will be asked to keep your leg straight 和 will not be able to get out of bed.
  • Your heartbeat 和 other vital signs (pulse 和 blood pressure) will be checked during your recovery. 
  • Report any swelling, pain or bleeding at the puncture site, or if you have chest pain.
  • 如果你在做心脏导管时做了额外的手术, 你可能得在医院过夜.
  • Before you leave the hospital, you will receive written instructions about what to do at home.


Be sure to follow all instructions provided by your health care team. It is important to take your medications as directed 和 to make follow-up appointments before leaving the hospital. Most people can return to their normal activities the day after the procedure depending on whether any additional procedures were done during the cardiac cath.

穿刺处有小擦伤是正常的. If the site starts to bleed, lie flat 和 press firmly on top of it for a few minutes. 然后,再次检查出血是否已经停止. 


  • Your leg with the puncture becomes numb or tingles, or your foot feels cold or turns blue.
  • 穿刺处周围看起来淤青较多.
  • 穿刺部位肿胀或渗出液体.
  • Bleeding from the access site can’t be stopped with firm pressure.
  • 你的经验:
    • 胸痛或呼吸短促
    • 头晕
    • 发热
    • 不规则的,非常慢或非常快的心跳


  • 穿刺处肿得很快.
  • Bleeding from the puncture site does not slow down when you press on it firmly.



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