康复和沙巴足球体育平台目标 for Heart Valve Patients

Video: Factors Affecting Recovery from Heart Valve Surgery

Recovery statistics are very good for people who receive proper 治疗.

Even for very strong people, fear can sometimes paralyze us into inaction. 但 瓣膜手术 is very likely to provide a positive outcome, so planning your recovery is key. Read these articles and handouts and cheer yourself on as you reach your healthy living goals.


When a person is considering heart valve replacement or repair, it can be helpful to know the overall goals of the procedure and how the success and your return to wellness will be tracked. Here are some of the goals for any 瓣膜手术.

Download our Recovery Milestones checklist: 英语(PDF) | 西班牙语(PDF)

Goal 1: Lengthen and improve the quality of life.

The odds are very good that valve repair or replacement will lengthen life and improve health and quality of life. Most valve patients can expect to return to their full activity level. Although not all valve conditions are life-threatening, it could be a mistake to assume the condition is insignificant. Some valve disease problems can lead to an increased risk of death if 治疗 recommendations are not followed. Some valve disease problems can lead to a significantly increased risk of death. If you’ve been told that you require valve 治疗, it shouldn’t be ignored or postponed indefinitely. If finances are keeping you from receiving surgical 治疗 that you need, there are studies and government initiatives to help make the procedure affordable. Learn more about health care laws and government programs seeking to provide affordable coverage at the 医疗保健.gov网站(链接在新窗口中打开).

Goal 2: Maintain an adequate supply of oxygen-rich blood flowing through your heart.

感觉精力充沛,身体健康, we all need a good supply of blood carrying oxygen and nutrients to our body. A damaged valve can reduce the heart’s ability to pump blood, but a valve replacement or repair can restore your heart’s ability to serve the needs of the rest of the body.

Goal 3: Reduce the possibility of damaging your heart and blood vessels.

A diseased valve can harm the entire surrounding area of tissue and muscle required for pumping blood. Your medical team will want to help you select a 治疗 plan that will offer the best long-term strategy. They will evaluate the condition and function of each part of your hemodynamic system, which refers to all the functional parts that work together to pump blood. They will measure the pressure on your valves before and after 手术 by measuring the jet velocity (pressure on the valve) and ejection fraction (amount of blood pumped out).

目标4:尽量减少不愉快 症状 尽可能.

Your health care team will help you feel as good 尽可能 during your procedure and after your recovery.

Goal 5: Give you the best possible option for returning to a healthy and active life.

Your health care team will weigh your risks for 手术 with the possibility of your return to a healthy and active lifestyle. 这取决于你的心脏健康状况, 你的整体健康状况, your age and your ability to heal after 手术, they will help you choose a plan that provides as full a recovery 尽可能.


Your health care team can also help you determine your return to health by helping to 确定的里程碑 比如独自坐着, 短距离步行, 自我护理和洗澡, 切口愈合, 走更远的距离, 驾驶和, 几周之内, returning to work and engaging in all activities.

Your Heart Surgery: Realization and Repair